What is Christian Life Coaching? As one client said, "It's having a safe place to think out loud and have someone help you probe deeper into what you are thinking."
A Christian Life Coach is NOT a consultant. The Coach doesn't come up with the answers to the situation; you do. The coach helps you probe deeper and reflects back to you what you're presenting to help you see more clearly.
A Christian Life Coach can help you identify and address limiting beliefs that can sometimes prevent or, at the very least, hinder you from moving forward.
A Christian Life Coach partners with you to be a "Thinking Partner" depending on the Holy Spirit to guide and enlighten us to His plan.
A Christian Life Coach can coach ALL areas of a Christians life, not just spiritual. God is concerned about every area of your life and has a plan for every area of your life.
A Christian Life Coach coaches from a Biblical Worldview.

Why Would I Want a Coach?
You need a safe place to process decisions...A Christian Life Coach can help.
Are you struggling to identify potential blind spots in your decision-making process? A Christian Life Coach can provide a fresh perspective rooted in faith.
Are you feeling held back by limiting beliefs? A Christian Life Coach is dedicated to helping you recognize and address these.
Do you desire boldness and confidence...A Christian Life Coach can help.
Do you want accountability to follow through on your decisions...A Christian Life Coach can help.
Do you seek growth and advancement...A Christian Life Coach can help.​
You want to lead well...A Christian Life Coach can help.
What Results Can I Expect?
Make new discoveries
Overcome obstacles
Close the gap between where you are and where you want to be
Become more self-aware
Develop new perspectives
Challenge limiting beliefs and assumptions
Be held accountable to achieve your goals