Hebrews 12:1-2
The Finish Line
She was running a 25K cross-country marathon. This particular marathon was known for its difficulty and many of those that started dropped out before the finish line. In fact, just to say you had run and finished this particular marathon garnered you respect from others whether you were first or last.
Indeed, the path had taken her through some pretty difficult challenges. She had fallen several during this race, and thus she was bruised, and skinned up. Her muscles ached, her lungs felt like they were on fire, and everything within her wanted to give up, yet there was the urge to hang on because she knew she was nearing the finish line.
As she topped the last hill of the marathon, she looked down the zig zap path that led to the valley. In that valley, she could see the colosseum that all the runners ran into for their final lap. Scattered along this path like various-sized dots were other runners. As she is taking in this sight, she suddenly feels a burst of energy, that second wind that runners talk about.
As she was traversing the path down the hill, she watched runners disappear into the entrance of that great colosseum; a few seconds later, she would hear the crowd let out a roar as the runner made their way onto the track for their final lap. She watched this unfold after each runner disappeared into the tunnel. Each time she heard the crowds erupt in cheers it gave her more and more energy. She forgot about the bruises and scrapes. She ignored the aching muscles and burning lungs. She was going to finish the race!
Finally, she made it to the entrance of the colosseum tunnel. As she entered the tunnel, a little bit of apprehension began to stir within her for it was dark, cold, and damp in the tunnel. She could hear the echoes of her breathing and the trod of her running. After several steps into the tunnel though, she could see the light from the other end of the tunnel, thus the apprehension quickly faded. Seeing the light caused a surge and depth of hope than she’d ever experienced during the race.
Right before she exited the tunnel into the colosseum it seemed as if there was a flash of a great light. She put up her hand to shield her eyes from its brightness as she continued running, and simultaneously she crossed out of the tunnel onto the tract. As she did, the crowd stood to their feet letting out a huge cheer. At that second, she felt no pain, thought of no injuries she had incurred during the race, she was overcome with the thrill of making it to the final lap.
Now filled with such elation as the crowd continued to cheer, she ran her final lap with hands uplifted in victory. Tears of joy streamed down her face as the realization set in that she was running her final lap; she was finishing the race. As she looked towards the finish line, to her surprise, she saw her running coach. With his arms motioning her to come she could hear him saying, “You made it! You did it! You’ve finished the race!” And into his arms, she fell as she crossed the finish line.
Our Race of Life Faith
What happens when you take that last breath of air in this life and you cross over the threshold of eternity? We’ve all heard the stories of the “great tunnel of light.” I’ve heard all kinds of near-death experiences. I’ve heard the hell experiences and the heaven experiences.
Great Cloud of Witnesses
In Acts 7 when Stephen was being stoned to death, he looked up and saw the heavens opened and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Jesus was welcoming Stephen into heaven. I have a vivid imagination, so bear with me on this. This “great cloud of witnesses” in Hebrews 12:1 is all those who have gone on before us and crossed the finish line. They stand as a testimony that faith in Christ will carry you through anything, all the way into eternity.
The Grandstands Erupt
I imagine (although not scriptural) that in heaven there’s a great colosseum, like the ones you see in the Olympics for track and field events. As the runners enter the colosseum to take their final lap of the 25k race, the stands erupt with deafening cheers. As the runner hears the roar of those cheers, he gets a rush of adrenaline and a surge of power lunges him forward. Every muscle in their body feels no pain. The harshness of the previous 25k is obliterated from his mind. His eyes and mind are fixed upon only one thing, the finish line.
The Final Lap
Using the aforementioned imagery and that of Heb 12:1-2, here’s what I picture. As children of God take their last breath in this life, they enter that great tunnel of light. As they near the end of that tunnel, they begin to hear the grandstands of heaven erupt with a roar of cheers. Those grandstands are filled with those of the great cloud of witnesses. They are cheering on this child of God as they come into the arena of heaven for their final lap to the finish line. They look towards the finish line and they see Jesus standing there cheering them on. Hearing the roar of this great cloud of witnesses and seeing Jesus, they feel a rush of spiritual energy propelling them forward. They cross the finish line into the awaiting arms of Jesus! Wow!
Run Your Race and Run It Well
For the rest of us still in the race of life, lay aside all those weights and sins and keep your eyes fixed on the finish line. Keep them especially fixed on the One standing at the finish line cheering you on. Keep your faith solid in Christ, and one day as you enter the arena of heaven for the final lap, you too will hear the roar of those witnesses and cross the finish line into the awaiting arms of Jesus.
This devotional was written as a tribute to all those that I know who are now a part of that great cloud of witnesses which includes many family members of mine.